Business card printing is something that should be updated every once in awhile in order for you to stay up on the times creatively and keep making waves in your professional field. You don't want to be the one sitting on the porch while your competition coerces your potential customers with custom business card printing. Make sure you're always on top of your game with the right print marketing materials for the right situations. Real estate agents? How about postcards and door hangers to go with it. Consultants? Brochures and booklets are just the thing for you!
The truth is that business card printing is the calling card of your professional life. You should have a generalized theme as well as a couple of nice designs and colors that reflect your values. The more unique your order is, the more likely customers will take notice and give you a call over some other company. Take charge by incorporating a consistent logo or image or perhaps a font or two to help support your brand. It's all about getting people to remember your particular card and here's a few more ways to do it.
Have you tried switching to a different orientation? Most people opt for the traditional layout (hot dog style) however a vertical theme instantly gets your recipient to think differently about your services. It has the power to catch them off-guard just slightly enough to get them to remember you. Others have tried a different approach with ink styles, for example, such as neon, metallic or even embossed text. This also strays away from an old school feel of simply eco-friendly inks printed directly to the paper.
Another facet you might be missing is your marketable avenues. Sometimes people carry two or three different types of business cards for the various professional services they can do (i.e. mortgage agent/web designer/nanny). Are you telling your acquaintances about everything you can do for them? That's the true power of networking in action. It's not always about what you know, but who you know. This ethos can lead to many different sources of income - if you play your business cards right.
The trick is to find a niche for your card and stick with it, whether it's an aesthetic like a high-definition image or an ornate design that people will remember. Once they've associated a certain aspect with your name, they are more likely to remember and contact you first. Take every chance to be creative and you'll be competitive for the rest of your professional life.
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