Morgan Cox for your vision!

Morgan Cox practice sales are reputable company offering business brokerage and business transfer services to the professional areas. As a business transfer agent they can assist you in selling or buying a company, dental practice, accountancy practice or other professional practice on the open market. They; moreover, accustom in selling private companies and practices including SME's with a turnover up to £25 Million.

Furthermore, they are worldwide School transfer specialists in UK. Below you will find their Schools for sale. If you are looking to sell or buy a school for sale then you are in the appropriate place. They can offer you an experienced, knowledgeable, confidential and reliable solution to either your school growth or out strategies. Their devoted school transfer team have many years experience in this Market. They provide UK wide school transfers service and can carry out school advertising, school valuations, and marketing, consultancy and brokerage services. Besides, their dedicated pharmacy team have many years experience in the Pharmaceutical industry.

We offer a UK wide pharmacy for sale service and can deliver advertising, pharmacy valuations, and marketing, consultancy and brokerage services in the pharmacy industry. Contact them for more information on any of our pharmacy services. They; moreover, can help you realize your goals by both selling your pharmacy and assisting you to get your first pharmacy or addition to your portfolio.